August 22, 2019

How to love your body?

Saying “I love you” to yourself and to your body is one of the most important things you can do, especially when you’re pursuing a life of self-love and wellness. It’s not a habit that comes naturally because society is constantly telling us that self-love is selfish. But if you stay all your life being overly critical of your own body, chances are you’ll never the confidence to be who you want to be and the courage to live your dreams. As someone who lived the same journey, I’m committed now to help change society’s expectations and make self-love and body acceptance a mainstream concept. Here are 5 tips on how to love your body:

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

Now with social media, it became hard not to compare yourself to those “Insta-Baddies” as they call them. They look so perfect on the pictures. But the more you’ll be exposed to their perfect facetuned photoshopped pictures, you will never stop comparing yourself to them and pointing everything that you assume is wrong about your body. You need to stop this bad habit right now. It is very dangerous. Because when you become absorbed in comparing yourself to another person, you’re damaging your sense of self and you only feeding that self-hate. And remember the very person who seems so perfect in your eyes has their own list of insecurities and body image issues.

2.Stop criticizing yourself

Criticizing yourself will only make your situation worst. If you followed the first step, it will be a lot easier for you to stop criticizing yourself. You are only doing it because of those stupid beauty standards of society: “bigger is better”, “If you are skinny, boys will love you more”… When you look in the mirror, stop examining the dimples on your butt or the spots on your face. Instead of thinking, “I hate my hips”, “I don’t have boobs” say, “my butt looks great in these jeans” or “I love my eyes.” When someone compliments you, don’t brush it off or put yourself down in response. Think and talk about yourself with love, because you DESERVE it.

If you want to know how to deal with criticism, check out my other post here!

3.Treat yourself better

Treat yourself like you treat others. Talk to yourself like you talk to others. Compliment yourself, hug yourself, comfort yourself, and support yourself. Just be there for yourself like you’d be there for your friends or your family members. Treat yourself to activities that make you feel sexy and confident. Take a long, hot bath and lather yourself with coconut oil. Sleep in a sexy nightgown. Apply makeup. Do your hair. Do your nails. Spend an afternoon floating weightless in a pool or take a calming yoga class. Do whatever makes you feel good about yourself and the negativity and self-hate will begin to diminish.

4.Do mirror work

Mirror work is one of the things that definitely helped me to love my body. Self-talk is proven to work. I tried it two years ago and I haven’t stopped it since. And it really did work for me. Here is how it works: You can put up a few notes on your mirror with positive, loving reminders like “I am beautiful”, “Everything about my body is lovable”, “I love myself”. Even if you don’t believe it, but, by waking up and saying every day in front of your mirror, you will end up believing it.  Trust me, with a kind and loving message to yourself and your body will change the relationship you have with yourself in the most positive way.

5.Embrace Nudity

You can solve this problem fast if you embrace your “NAKED” self. How? Try to be naked every time it is possible for you. Every time you are alone at home, take your clothes off and be naked, then continue doing your normal daily activities you usually do at home normally. Try to sleep naked, too! I know it sounds so silly and it will definitely feel awkward in the first time. But trust me when I tell you that’s the fastest way that helped me gain confidence in my body. Well, at least, trust that study that has proved that nudity helps you feel more connected to your inner self and makes you feel more comfortable in your more. Guess they didn’t invent “Naked Yoga” for nothing?

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