January 8, 2021

10 questions to ask yourself everyday

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday

Have you ever taken some time to spend it just by yourself and asked yourself : ‘Who am I, where have I been, and where am I going?” Well, if you ever did that, that’s called  self-introspection. And to help you exercise the art of self-introspection and self-reflection to monitor your progress in life, here are 10 questions to ask yourself everyday ! It is best done at the end of the day before retiring to bed.

1. Am I a little better than yesterday?

2. Have I built my character?

3. Did I give my best at work?

4. What did I learn new today?

5. Have I made healthier choices?

6. What did i do today that proves that my dreams are not only possible but coming true ?

7. Have I expressed my love for my family and friends?

8. Have I spent quality time with people that I care about?

9. Do I bear any grudges against anyone?

10. Am I content with my life?

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