June 20, 2019

How to get out of your comfort zone now ?

How to get out of your comfort zone now

5 effective ways to get out of your comfort zone

If someone has ever told that life begins at the end of your comfort zone, just know that he’s totally right. Here is why: It’s much easier to remain within the boundaries of where you feel comfortable than it is to face your fears and do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. However, if you stayed in your comfort zone, you will definitely miss out so many life experiences, professional opportunities and the beginning of good relationships. All I’m saying is that your resistance to change and go out of your comfort zone is what keeps you from getting what you want in life. So if you want to get out of your safe cocoon but don’t know what to do? Here are 5 ways to get out of your comfort zone and step into greatness:

1. The first step is the hardest

As a person who used to love staying in her comfort zone, I have to tell you that I have been through the same and that taking the first step is very difficult. It will take you a lot of time to be prepared to it, but you have to do it. Once you take the first step, it is easier to keep moving.

2. Befriend your fears

Keep in mind that everyone is afraid of something, we’re all humans, and we all have our own fears. So, don’t fight them, don’t fear them! Don’t be afraid from the feeling of being afraid. Instead, accept your fears, move toward them and face them. That’s the only way to get rid of your fears.

3. Start small

Always challenge yourself and try to do something new every day. Start with some small changes that do not present any real threat, like eating at a different restaurant than the one you usually go to…etc.

4. Challenge Your Comfort Zone

The idea here is to start doing all the things that scare you and make you feel uncomfortable until you start feeling comfortable doing them. You’re basically going to expand your comfort zone by shocking the system into becoming comfortable. And, believe or not, once you start doing it, you will be so busy thinking about pushing your boundaries than thinking about the fear itself.

Here is a challenge that I recommend you to try; “the 100 days without fear”. This challenge was Michelle poler’s idea; she was the one who inspired me to do the same, meaning facing 100 fears of mine and living the life I always wanted without fear or regret. (I’ve just faced 30 fears but I’m willing to continue this journey, the most amazing journey I’ve ever had).

5. Motivate yourself

Before you face any of your fears, ask yourself first: “Once I face that fear, what opportunity I will have?” It could be anything, but just don’t underestimate it. And keep in mind that your motivations should be bigger and stronger than your fears.

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