January 1, 2020

5 ways to show gratitude

Gratitude is one of the powerful ways to instantly change how you feel. Many people fail to understand how gratitude can change a life and alter one’s perception for the good. A life without gratitude is often an unhappy, unfilled life. Putting a little gratitude in your daily life is a first-step to achieving many of your hopes, your dreams, your goals. The thing with gratitude is that the more you’ll focus your attention on the many great things you have and you are grateful for, the more you do that, the more reasons you will have to express your gratitude for. To improve the quality of your life and the life of others, it is important to show true gratitude for the things you are grateful for so here are 5 ways to show gratitude every day.

Here are the 5 ways to show gratitude

1.A simple exercise in the morning

This is what I personally do every morning when I wake up. First thing first, I love to thank God that I’m alive and that I get to live another day. Then I will list 10 things I’m grateful for. Try to think about all the blessings that you have; some of them are super basic but we never pay attention to them like “I’m grateful for water”, “I’m grateful for the food that I get to eat every day”, “I’m grateful for the clothes that I’m wearing, the house that I live in, …”, “I’m grateful for my body” etc. By doing this exercise every morning, you focus your attention on only the positive and you will unconsciously program your mind to focus and see only the positive things that are happening in your life.

2. Give small gifts

Give small but thoughtful gifts to the people you love for no reason at all – just to show that they are on your mind, that you are thinking about them. It’s definitely a way to show them that you love them and that you are grateful to have them in your life.

3. Don’t complain for 24 hours.

A lot of people that I meet are always complaining about something. They’re complaining about their health, about their financial situation, about work, about school. You feel like they are never satisfied with what they have. What is crazy to me is that how quickly they jump to complaints rather than solutions. So next time, try to find the good in a sticky situation; and challenge yourself to stop complaining for at least 24 hours, and you’ll see how peaceful your life will be. And if you can’t stop complaining, try to find some solutions to your problems instead of letting your energy go to waste.

4. Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness is still very much appreciated in the world today so perform a random kindness for those you love or a total stranger without looking for praise such as buying a homeless person lunch, holding someone the door, helping an old lady cross the street. These small acts of kindness not only symbolize that you respect other people’s space but also make you feel good about yourself and realize that you are such a kind loving generous person who loves to offer a helping hand.

5. Owning a gratitude journal

Remember all the small details that make you grateful by keeping a gratitude journal. Start a collection of little grateful moments and blessings by taking a few moments each night before bed to write down the things you appreciated throughout the day. It can be a wonderful way to reflect on how far you’ve come over the years. Or every time you found yourself caught up into negative thoughts, return to your gratitude journal and bring all the good and the positive back to your life again.

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