September 18, 2019

5 reasons why I love to blog

If you’ve told a year ago that I would have a blog, I would have laughed at you. I’ve always wanted to create something where I can share what I love with the world, where I can inspire people and let them be the best versions of themselves. People thought that I was crazy to think this way, but here’s a thing: not only I think I can change people’s lives, but I also do believe I can. That’s why I started my blog; because it could be the first tool for me to achieve that crazy dream.

I never – ever – would have guessed that blogging could be the thing that gave me a new lease on life. You see all these people online claiming to be making money blogging, or saying that anyone can blog – and honestly – it sounds a liiiiiiitle bit like a scam. Or at the very least, it sounds too good to be true.

When I started my blog, on October 2018, I thought that I will start immediately making money from it, I will become quickly famous and gain a lot of followers, but that was just in my dreams. It has been a year since then, and I’m still figuring out how to make money from it and how to make my blog grow. I still haven’t made any dime from it. However, this isn’t holding me back because I still love what I do and what I share with my small amount of followers.

To be honest, of course money is one of the reasons why I’m blogging but it is not one of the main 5 reasons why I love to blog.

So here are 5 reasons why I love to blog:

1.I get to express myself

I love to blog because it’s a place for me to express fully who I am, say whatever I’m thinking, share what I love and be heard. Let people know who I am, why I think this way, how I live, what I do, what I know and how I know what I know. My blog actually is like my personal journal. I get to share my story with the world by being authentically me. It trains me to be observant and gives weight to the personal growth that I’m experiencing. It trains my mind to track life and articulate the changes I’m experiencing.

2.I create awareness

Thanks to my blog, I get to connect with like-minded people, to create awareness, make a difference and change people’s lifes and mindsets. My blog allows me to help others who are going through hardships, inspire them. Writing on my blog is for me an act of giving. It is a selfless act of service to invest my time, energy, and worldview into a piece of writing and then offer it free to anybody who wants to read it. Others will find inspiration in my writing… and that’s a wonderful feeling.

3.Blogging is like my therapy

Once I started blogging, I started thinking more intentionally about who I am, who I am becoming. It helped me reveal more and more of myself to the outside world. It helped me gain more confidence in my life, in my talents, in my abilities, in my writing skills and all the things in me that I had to offer to the others. It helped me rediscover who I was, be who I truly am regardless of people’s opinios. It helped me focus on my life and stop comparing it with others lives.

4.I get to face my fears

Blogging helped me to face my fears: the fear of failure, the fear of judgment, the fear of criticism…For years, I was so worried about what others will say about me if I started a blog, what people would think of me if I did this or I did that. But Now, my blog is a way to tell to the whole world that I’m no longer afraid of people’s opinions, and that their critics are none of my business. And thanks to blogging; I have learnt something that I will carry it with me along the way and that is: “When you’re creating something from your heart, you do it because you can’t NOT do it. You produce it because you believe your creation deserves to be out in the world. You create because you have a God-given ability to do so and you can’t leave all this greatness and this God-given ability inside you just because you’re afraid of judgment.”

5.I get the most out of my days

Blogging made me grow as a person; it leads me to healthier life habits such as commitment, discipline, time-managing… And just to be clear, those are all good things to embrace – they help me get the most out of my days and life. Since beginning to blog, I have become an early riser, prepare what I’m going to do the next day and identify what I should work on). And besides those three habits, blogging provides me opportunity for new life habits to emerge in me and my life.

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I have decided to build my blog on my own by just learning the basics and taking it step by step. Writing about topics that I enjoy has always been a passion for me and giving this a try would be a dream come true. I hope you'll get empowered and inspired through my blogging journey! So sign up and be the first one to get the latest updates from

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