July 31, 2020

5 simple ways to get your shit together

how to get your shit together

5 Simple Ways to get your shit together

We all have been through this part of our lives where we want to get our shit together. Everyone has that dark corner of their life that has been a pain in the ass for weeks, months or years, but for some reason, you haven’t been able to get it under control. It’s a mess and it’s frustrating. I know this because I’ve been there. It could be your career, your relationship, your mindset, or your ability to just get something – anything – accomplished. So here are 5 simple ways to get your shit together!

What not having your shit together means?

The idea of having your shit together is vague and means different things to different people, but it’s usually some amalgamation of being stable:

– Financially (i.e. spending under control, saving money, no ‘bad debt’, on track with paying off ‘good debt’, regular income)

-Physically (i.e. eating properly, exercising, avoiding/limiting alcohol and other drugs, in good overall health)

-Mentally (i.e. happy, content, not depressed, accepting of yourself, confident, self-assured)

-Socially (i.e. in a solid relationship, socializing regularly, getting on with people, making friends, happy family)

-Spiritually (i.e. whatever that means to you: fulfilled in some capacity)

-Career-ally (yeah, that’s not a word) (i.e. in an enjoyable, satisfying job, progressing well, learning & improving.)

1.Admit you don’t have your shit together

The first real step towards getting your shit together is admitting that you don’t have it together in the first place. Stop ignoring it! And if you think to yourself “actually, my life is perfect, nothing is a mess and I don’t need to clean anything up” good for you, share this with someone who doesn’t have their shit together and enjoy the comfort of knowing that one day you’ll be back reading this article. Because at some point, all of our lives become a mess. So for once, between you, me, and your computer screen, simply admit you don’t have your shit together. There’s no shame. Really, there isn’t.

2.Know the reasons why you can’t get your shit together

Understanding what you’re afraid of. Knowing all the things that you count as not having your shit together. Knowing all those urges that will always keep bubbling up and derrail your efforts to get everything in order. And not letting that ruin things. Letting it be part of it all. Figuring out what matters, and what you should focus your energy on and what you should let go. Which is a lot. Our time and energy are limited. There’s only so much shit we can get together. We can’t have it all. We can have so much, but we can never have it all.

3.Know the reasons why you want to get your shit together

They always say: “when you have a good reason, that will be enough motivation”. Yes, not having your shit together sucks, but so many people know it sucks and still can’t change, why? Well, there are only two reasons people create change in life: 1) because it feels good, or 2) because it’s too painful and they finally have a good enough reason to change.

People can’t get their shit together because they have been avoiding the harsh reality of the impact that their behaviors or beliefs have on them, or they are stuck in the shame/guilt of their actions and can’t seem to get out. So try to find at least one reason that will motivate enough and help you to get your shit together.


Look at everything you’ve written down. And if you didn’t make a list, simply look around the space you’re in and assess where you can start: what shit to clean up first?

Look at your room, your home, your partner, kids — hell, look in the mirror and ask “What do I see that really bothers me? What’s a small turd that I can clean up.” The idea here is to start where you can start. If something pops out at you, or speaks to you, start there. It might seem meaningless at first, but it’s cleaning up part of your shit, and we need to start with small things we can accomplish. If “getting out of my $100,000 worth of debt” or “fix my marriage” is on your shit list, this would not be the place you want to start.

You’ll want to tackle a small turd first – probably a turd that’s a part of a bigger pile.

Check out this post too: “how to get things done without feeling overwhelmed?”

5.Get your Shit together now – For real this time!

The point here is that you’re in control, not the shit. And many of us have either never realized this or have forgotten it all together. But we are responsible for our own shit, just as we are the ones responsible for cleaning it up. And more often than not, the fastest way to a clean life, inside and out, is one turd at a time.

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