August 2, 2021

5 things to leave behind in 2020

5 things to leave behind in 2020

2020 may not have been the year where we achieved everything we hoped for, but it’s never too late to turn over a new leaf! However, I always take previous lessons and walk into a new year with a better mentality. This leaves me very excited for what’s to come, even though it may not be a ‘great’ year because I at least learn life lessons and gain more wisdom. Let’s carry the lessons we learned in 2020 while letting go of things that no longer benefit us so we can grow even more! So here 5 things to leave behind in 2020 !

1. Fear

Do you have any fears holding you back?

Instead of letting your fears hold you back, learn to tackle it head-on. Don’t allow your fear of failure, rejection, etc, to get in the way!

Check out this post on : « How to Overcome the fear of failure ? »

2. Procrastination

I think a lot of us are guilty of procrastinating, but this year it’s excusable.

However, let’s not let procrastination kick us in the butt and let’s accomplish all the goals we set out for the year!  

3. Excuses

Excuses can hold you back and hinder your growth. Stop making excuses and hold yourself accountable!

4. Toxic people

This is definitely one of the biggest things to leave behind in 2020.

I think 2020 really allowed us to see who our true friends are and who we should be keeping in our life.

Any toxic people in your life, it’s time to cut them out and if you can’t, be sure to distance.

5. The need to control everything

Leave behind the need to control everything for 2021, because the truth is – no one can control everything. Trust the process and that everything that’s meant to work out, will.

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