February 7, 2022

5 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Bags Under Eyes

5 best ways to get rid of bags under eyes !

Of course no one wants bags under their eyes ! These usually are not a problem that requires medical attention : Although they can be bothersome, bags under your eyes don’t usually impact your vision or your health. But if you want to reduce the puffiness around your eyes, there are temporary and long-lasting solutions. Here are 5 best ways to get rid of bags under eyes !

Here are 5 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Bags Under Eyes

1. Cold compresses

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard about this tip already ! Cooling your under eyes lessens inflammation and swelling by reducing blood flow. You can place anything cold, such as an ice pack, frozen bag of vegetables, chilled cucumber slices or just refrigerated spoons, over closed eyes for a few minutes. Just try it, it really does wonders. Especially if you did it in the morning, it can be very refreshing and help you to wake up !

2. Maintain a low-salt diet

Eating a lot of salty foods causes you to retain water and leads to swelling (AKA bags under your eyes). So if you tend to use a lot of salt, use pure Himalayan sea salt, but only a little bit. Avoid high salty foods, like pizza and some soups. Opt for fresh vegetables, in particular celery, which can help curb your desire for salt!

Check out this post: “5 easy tips to get rid of dry and chapped lips !”

3. Stay hydrated

It may not be surprising that dehydration can contribute to under-eye bags. Upping your water intake should help. How much is enough? Experts recommend drinking around 13 cups of fluids a day for men, and about 9 cups of fluids for women, per day.

Don’t like water? The good news is that all fluids count toward your daily total. Still, water is a low-calorie option. Try sparkling waters, flavored waters, or even water infused with fruit. Hot or cold herbal decaffeinated tea is another good choice.

4. Get enough sleep – quality sleep

How much you sleep is also a factor. Although limited sleep may not actually cause under-eye bags, getting little sleep may make your complexion paler. Most adults should aim to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. So if you can, try to get at least eight hours of sleep ! If not, well try at least to have some quality sleep hours. Try these tricks:

-Try creating a sleep schedule, or a regular bedtime and wake-time.

-Avoid caffeinated beverages and foods 6 to 12 hours before your bedtime.

-Avoid alcoholic beverages around bedtime.

-Finish all meals and snacks two hours before bedtime.

-Finish all strenuous exercise a few hours before bedtime.

-Turn off televisions, cell phones, and other electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime.

5. Under eyes workout

Exercise is a natural way to reduce the signs of aging and can promote a youthful glow to the skin, but the area around your eyes will benefit from special facial exercises. Licensed aesthetician and author of The Yoga Facelift, Marie-Veronique Nadeau explains that yoga for the face involves slow exercises of the facial muscles to help tone and tighten them. (1) Using light pressure from your fingers as resistance, the exercises involve various facial expressions and pressure. You can also use face rollers and other tools to help you exercise those under eyes ! They are many videos on Youtube out there, you can check them to get an idea !

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