September 30, 2020

5 easy tips to get rid of dry and chapped lips

dry and chapped lips

5 easy tips to get rid of dry and chapped lips

Nobody likes to roam all day long worrying about their dry, rough and chapped lips. The skin on our lips is much thinner and delicate than the other parts of our body. Our lips are also exposed to sun, pollution, cold and humid air and hence are easily prone to dryness, cracking, flaking, and peeling. As they lack oil glands, they can’t produce their own moisture, hence we have to take extra care of our lips. So here are 5 easy tips to get rid of dry and chapped lips !

1.Drink water

Dehydration can cause chapped lips, that’s why drinking water is the first step on how to get rid of dry lips. Dehydration contributes to dry skin. Try to start your day by drinking one or two glasses of water before eating or drinking juices, milk, etc. Also, before going to sleep, drink at least a glass of water. In addition to hydrating your body, is removes the toxins from the body.

2. Use a good lip balm

Drying lip balm ingredients can include menthol and camphor. Some lip balms are better than others, and popular brands may contain ingredients that dry the lips out. For example, many lip balms contain menthol or another mint flavoring. This can provide a cooling sensation, but mint is very drying and can leave the lips more chapped than before.

Common drying ingredients in lip balms include:

– menthol

– camphor

– phenol

Look instead for lip balms that contain soothing and moisturizing ingredients, such as:

– Petroleum.

– Lanolin.

– Beeswax.

– Ceramides.

3. Try natural lip remedies

There are several effective natural remedies for chapped lips.

To soothe and moisturize chapped lips, apply the following directly to the lips:

Aloe vera: This gel forms inside the leaves of aloe vera plants. It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories that soothe and rehydrate damaged skin.

Coconut oil: Made from the flesh of coconuts, this oil combats inflammation and is an emollient, which means that it can soothe and soften the skin.

Honey: It is highly moisturizing, which makes it a good treatment for dry lips. Honey also contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties, which help prevent infections from developing in extremely dry or cracked lips.

Cucumber: It can gently moisturize the lips and may contain vitamins and minerals that could improve the lips’ appearance.

Aloe vera, coconut oil, and honey all have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent infection while moisturizing and soothing the skin on the lips.

4. Exfoliate the lips

Chapped lips are covered in a layer of dry skin that can prevent healing ingredients in lip balms from reaching the right area. People can use lip scrubs that contain sugar or baking soda to gently exfoliate away this dry skin.

When shopping for a lip scrub, look for products that contain ingredients that will soothe and moisten the lips. Or you can make one at home by mixing 2 teaspoons of sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey, forming a paste. Apply this paste to your lips and wait a few minutes. Then, rub the paste into your now soft lips —this will loosen the dead cells on the lips— and wash it off using lukewarm water thereafter.

5.Protect your lips every time you’re out

When it’s too cold outside, cover your mouth with a scarf. This will protect your lips. And when it’s sunny outside, your lips must be protected from the sun just like your whole body. So you can use a lipbalm that contains SPF.

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