January 20, 2021

Top 5 Travel How-To Guides

top 5 Travel How-To Guides!

Top 5 Travel How-To Guides

Are you looking for the most useful books about how to travel the world ? The books that I’m presenting to you today will give you the instant urge to pack your bag and head out to explore the world somewhere new! Well written travel books like these have helped inspire my own personal travel goals over the years — and will continue to do so. So if you’re looking for books to help you travel cheaper, better, or show you how to travel more! So here are the top 5 Travel How-To Guides!

1. Vagabonding by Rolf Potts

Vagabonding is what encouraged me to put my real life on hold to backpack around the world for a bit. This book is essentially about the process behind taking time off from your regular life to discover and experience the world on your own terms. It won’t tell you exactly how to do it, but gives you ideas and confidence to figure it out for yourself. Many long-term travelers have been inspired by what Rolf talks about, including Tim Ferriss. I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to travel more, but thinks they don’t have enough money or time.

2. How To Travel The World On $50 A Day by Matt Kepnes

Top 5 Travel How-To Guides

Coming from a fellow travel blogger, I’ve got to give Kepnes (also known as Nomadic Matt) props for his New York Times bestselling book How To Travel The World On $50 A Day. Matt knows what he’s talking about, and it shows as much in this book as it does on his blog. He goes into detail on how he’s stayed on the move for so long on a shoestring budget, with tips and tricks coming to life through relatable stories. Also seeping through the pages is a heavy dose of modesty, a necessity when venturing off the beaten path abroad.

Check out also this post: “TOP 5 TRAVEL BOOKS OF ALL TIME !”

3. How NOT To Travel The World by Lauren Juliff

Top 5 Travel How-To Guides

In How NOT To Travel The World Lauren expertly conveys the fears of a first-time solo traveler who, prior to hitting the road, as she lived a rather sheltered life. The overarching theme is conquering fear and living your dream. She does a solid job of discussing the emotional steps involved in her process too. I don’t know how Lauren gets into so many crazy situations on her travels, but they make for a very entertaining read!

4. World’s Cheapest Destinations by Tim Leffel

Top 5 Travel How-To Guides

The thought that exotic travel has to break the bank is an assumption as sad as it is untrue, and long-time travel writer Tim Leffel proves it in The World’s Cheapest Destinations. Active storytelling and honest facts on not only where to go but how to travel once you get there. The key takeaway from this book is that proper research and planning, along with a willingness to see a culture for what it really is, can save you a fortune. Oh, and don’t hesitate to bargain – just be respectful when you do so.

5. Travel As Transformation by Gregory V. Diehl

Top 5 Travel How-To Guides

Travel As Transformation takes you on Diehl’s journey from living in a van in San Diego, growing chocolate with indigenous tribes in Central America, teaching in the Middle East and volunteering in Africa. Through these stories, it shows you how profoundly travel can influence your perception of yourself. Diehl has spent the best part of 10 years exploring the world in countries many Westerners couldn’t even place on a map. The journey helps him find who he really is and what freedom means.

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