June 26, 2020

How To Use Fashion To Feel Confident

how to use fashion to feel confident

How To Use Fashion To Feel Confident

In psychology, your choices in your closet can not only affect your feelings about yourself but also your mood. Let me put it this way, wearing unflattering clothes may darken a bright happy mood. And wearing more flattering clothes will make you happy and boost your self-confidence. They may be just clothes for some people but, for me, they are tools _ magical tools to tell your own personal story, share your creativity with the world and tell to people who you are without even saying a word. So dressing with confidence is more than just putting on the most recent form of fashion, it’s about liking what you’re wearing, feeling good about yourself, being secure in who you are and feeling confident in all circumstances. Remember, you shouldn’t rely on your clothes to make you feel confident because confidence is a feeling that comes from within, from your inner-self. However, your clothes can definitely help you a lot to boost that feeling even more. So here are 5 tips on how to use fashion to feel confident!

1. Make Your Own Rules

I really wanted to start with this first, because, to me, it is the most important tip! When it comes to your own individual fashion sense, there should be no rules, and you shouldn’t feel like there are some styles or items of clothing that are unavailable to you. No matter what your size, body type, height or your skintone; you should wear whatever makes you feel great. Long gone are the fashion myths that stated curvy girls can’t wear skinny jeans or that tall girls can’t wear heels (I am a tall girl myself and I do wear high heels almost every day LOL)! Just make your own rules when it comes to fashion and this will empower you when strutting your new look!

2. Let it be a form of self-expression

My style is a form of personal expression. It truly reflects who I am and how I’m feeling day to day. Like imagine if everyone is wearing the same clothes, having the same style; fashion would be very boring, right?! So allow the clothes you wear to show your personality, let yourself express fully who you are through your clothes. How? For example, if you’re feeling happy today, wear some bright colors. If you’re feeling like a badass, throw on a black suit or just whatever you like and whatever makes you feel good. Just remember that dressing in a way that reflects your emotions will make you feel in control of your day; and that will give you so much confidence!

3. Let it be a form of self-love

I like to use my style and fashion as my own form of self-love and self-care. Trust me; I’m not crazy for saying that (or maybe I am lol). Because just as taking the time to pamper myself with my favorite products, taking some “me- time” away from social media and organizing my life lifts my mood, so does switching up my look. It’s not that fashion helps me to fake how I’m feeling but it most certainly offers a different perspective for me and the opportunity to focus on something I’m so passionate about. Investing a little time and a little love into my outfit choice, truly feels like therapy to me. It’s therapeutic to create and to style and to dress myself in the clothes that others have already poured that design and passion into themselves.

4. Find your outfit, your body and your beauty enhancers

I’m talking here about accessories or items that bring out your inner Beyoncé and that will bring your outfit or even your whole wardrobe to the next level. It can be a red lipstick, some big hoop earrings (I wear them probably all the time), a wide belt, or some statement shoes (your nude mules or even your favorite Vans). Basically, you should find an item that will look good with any outfit you have, that will make you feel beautiful every time you wear it and that will make you feel great without the worry of rushing to get ready in the morning then regretting your choice later.

5.”Wear what you feel good in” by Katlin Tara


Katlin @ahappyblur is a blogger turned into a Fashion stylist. Her goal is to make styling affordable and available to anyone so that each and every one of you can look and feel like your very best self! “I think my biggest tip on how to use fashion to feel confident and empowered is to wear what you feel good in! It doesn’t matter what other people think or wearing what’s trendy, as long as you wear outfits that express who you are as an individual and make you feel like your best self! I use fashion as a way to show who I am and how I’m feeling, and when I’m wearing something that I really love I feel confident!”

Check out her blog www.ahappyblur.com

So yeah, Style is truly anything you would like it to be. Allow your mind to run wild with fashion and transform how you feel or equally let it comfort you when you feel you need it most. Style can be exciting, calming, passionate, muted, vibrant, edgy, classic, fashion forward or even all of the above all at once. Style is there to be embraced however you want to and should be fun to embrace.

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