June 25, 2019

How to make your nail polish more pigmented ?

make your nail polish more pigmented

Have you ever had that problem when you apply your polish and you find it looks sheer and translucent while in the bottle it looks opaque? There are a lot of nail polishes out there that are so sheer but you cannot see their sheerness until you buy them and try them. Moreover, you can buy some opaque nail polishes but over time they will lose their effectiveness and their pigmentation. Fortunately, there are a simple few nail polish tricks that you can try to extend the life of your nail polish and make it more pigmented.

Here are 6 tricks on how to make your nail polish more pigmented

Prepare your polish before application

Sometimes, all your nail polish needs is some warming preparation to get revived. Try to turn the bottle upside down to blend the pigments back together. Keep flipping it upside down for two minutes. And, instead of shaking the bottle before use, you should roll it between the palms of your hands for a few minutes. The warmth from your hands will create a thinner consistency and help make it easier to spread on your nails.

Always apply a base coat

Whatever base coat you’re using, just make sure you apply one or two layers of it on your nails before applying your polish. It might take you some extra time, but it will make your manicure last a couple of extra days longer, and it will protect your nails.

Check out my post here where I share “The top 5 best nail care tips”.

Make your nail polish pop

If you want your nail polish to pop and be even brighter and pigmented, try this trick: apply a white or an opaque nude shade as your first coat of polish. By this, your sheer nail polish will look thicker.

Keep your polish in your fridge

Storing your nail polish in the refrigerator helps the formula last longer. Plus, it will protect it from the hot weather and prevent its color and its pigmentation from fading.

Add Flour

One of the trickiest tricks you can do is adding a tiny bit of baking flour to your polish. Yes, baking flour! I know it’s quite surprising but it works. Baking flour can make your nail polish thick and pigmented. It won’t change its color but it will change its pigmentation and turn its watery thin formula into an opaque formula. Just don’t be adding too much of baking flour because it can turn your nail polish into a chunky mess.

Don’t be afraid to layer it

You can apply two to three layers on your nails. But you should allow the first coat to dry first before applying the second one. Otherwise, your polish will look too thick and clumpy on your nails. Also, try to apply thin layers of polish. Because if you apply thick layers on your nails, your nail polish will look so gloppy and it will never dry.

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