April 20, 2020

How to Make the Most Out of Your Travels

how to make the most out of your travels

Traveling does open up the horizons of our mind, by showing us differences of lands, cultures, practices and offerings. If only our kind was more cautious to inculcate more of nature in the standard definition of a city life, this need would have never arisen. However, it is the age of seeking the world, ticking places off the bucket list that proudly sits on your fridge door! So what can one do to ensure that they make the most out of every travel experience, no matter 100 kms away or 10,000? Here is what I have tried and tested in my journeys. So I’m sharing with you some tips on how to make the most out of your travels!

This is how to make the most out of your travels!

Tip 1: Let go

Having a plan is certainly a good idea, particularly if there are certain places or things you are keen to see. But don’t put yourself on a strict schedule or you’ll wind up feeling exhausted by the end of your trip and in need of another vacation! You never know who you might meet, or what you might learn on your trip that could cause your travels to go in a new direction. Often it is the unplanned things that we cherish the most from a trip.

Tip 2: Be an early bird

This point might not be for everyone, but if you don’t mind waking up early, you’ll reap the rewards of having most tourist attractions all to yourself if you’re there before opening time. It’s also interesting to explore places before they get busy – oftentimes you might stumble across little details that would otherwise be lost in the crowd.

Tip 3: Purchase travel insurance

Many of us might be of the mindset that “it’ll never happen to me”, but you never know when you might fall ill to a bad bout of food poisoning or need to visit a local doctor for prescription medication. If you purchase travel insurance before you leave home, you’ll be covered for the worst – just in case. Today, there are so many travel insurance options on the market so it’s best to shop around to get the coverage that’s right for you.

Tip 4: Pack less

By packing minimally you’ll have the freedom to travel with only a carry on, saving you time and energy when it comes to navigating airports and city streets, and choosing what to wear. I personally don’t like to overpack. Whenever I’m traveling, I usually pack neutral colors to ensure all my clothing items can be worn with one another, and roll each item to save space in my luggage. If your trip is longer than a few days, plan on doing laundry at your destination. And should you forget to bring or run out of something important, essential clothing and toiletry items can always be purchased abroad.

Tip 5: Travel for you and for no one else.

I am a blogger, for sure; but I don’t like to share every minute of my day when I’m traveling. In the world of social media that we live in today, we get the urge to share all of our experiences. It’s fine to share your experiences with the world, but don’t forget the most important thing… you are traveling for yourself, not anyone else. So don’t feel like you have to share every second of your day with others on social sites. Take the initiative and put the phone aside and be present in the moment.

Tip 6: Make friends and don’t be shy to put yourself out there.

Often it is the people you meet that make the trip. Travelling is a tremendous opportunity to meet folk from all kinds of backgrounds and places, with stories to tell and information to swap. But don’t expect people to come flocking to you, it may be that you have to make a bit of effort, or leave your comfort zone a little in order to make first contact. I found this particularly true when travelling as a couple. The rewards are worth it though. And don’t forget to exchange details when you part, something as simple as exchanging Facebook details will let you keep in touch with your new friends even as your travels draw you apart physically.

Tip 7: Budget appropriately always!

The best way to make your money last while traveling is to be on top of your budget. The last thing you want is for you to be short on money in the middle of your travels and are forced to return home.

Tip 8: Embrace the struggle.

There will be times you will miss your flight, get scammed, not understand a word anyone is saying or get sick. This comes with the package of traveling. But guess what? You are traveling and exposing yourself to unknown circumstances!  Nothing worth having comes easy…patience is key. Suck it up and be grateful for all experiences good or bad. I promise you, you will most likely be laughing about that experience later. Find a learning experience in all obstacles that come your way and always be grateful.

Finally, the best advice I can give you is to enjoy yourself. Soak up the new experiences, revel in the adventure. We only get, as far as I can tell, one go at this whole thing, so we may as well do our best to have fun on the way. If you’ve got any tips to add to this, feel free to share in the comments below!

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