July 1, 2019

Create your own recipe to happiness

How to become happy and live a happy life?

Every single one of us has its own definition of happiness. Some people will tell you that happiness is defined by owning certain materialistic things, or having a lot of money. Others will tell you happiness is when you live a life without problems (which is impossible by the way). So as you can see, no one can tell you the right ingredients you need to have a happy life. And you can’t be happy by following other people’s recipes to happiness. Once you start realizing this then you open yourself up to the creativity of making a recipe for YOU. So here is a list of some ingredients that you may consider if you want to create your own recipe to happiness:

Define what makes you happy

Happiness takes on many forms. Some people say they will be truly happy when they’ll get married, or if they were to win the lottery, or if they finally work their dream job. But what about you? What are the things that make you happy? What are the things that will make you happy if you do them? Take a piece of paper and write down a list of all the things that bring you happiness.

Do what makes you happy

Once you explore what happiness means to you, what it means, what it looks like, and what it feels like, it’s time now to create it. How? By simply doing all the things that makes you happy (that you wrote down in the list).

Quit everything that makes you unhappy

In order to enjoy fully the things that bring you happiness, you must quit everything that makes you unhappy. To make it easy for you, take again another piece of paper and write down a list of all the things that give you negative vibes (whether they are bad habits or something else) and then force yourself to stop doing them.

Find your purpose

Explore exactly what gives you a sense of purpose. Find a goal, a dream then plan how you want to pursue this dream to give your life a greater sense of meaning and live the life you desired.

Go after what makes you happy

If your dream is one of the things that make you happy, then you should go after it. Just put in your mind that happiness is not something that you can find in some place else. It is something you create right now by just working with what you have!

And there you go, ladies and gentlemen, a list of some ingredients that you may add to create your own recipe and surely happiness will be the outcome. And don’t forget happiness is a choice; you get to choose to be happy and to appreciate what you have where you are right now.

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