August 19, 2020

5 things not to do when you travel

5 things not to do when you travel

5 Things not to do when you travel

Often times when we plan to go for a trip, all we look out for are the things to do while we travel. Even though some of these things might seem obvious, we tend to neglect the things not to do when you travel because they are also equally important. And a little knowledge about them won’t hurt. So today, I’m going to jump out of the norm and focus on what not to do while traveling. Here are 5 things not to do when you travel.

1. Do not exchange money at the airports.

I actually thought this is a known thing until I saw almost all the exchange offices at the airport full. Yes, I know they are also in business to make money but as a budget traveler, your goal is to cut down all unnecessary expenses. Exchange rates are incredibly crazy at the airports since they assume you’ll need money as soon as you land in a new country. So the best way to beat this is by either exchanging money before you leave your country or wait until you reach the nearest city center to get the best rates.

2.  Do not be afraid to try out new foods

In my opinion, after visiting some of those cool touristic places, the next best thing to do is try out local foods. Don’t let the fear of getting sick or food poisoning stop you from trying out new foods that might actually turn out to be your favorite- well unless you’re allergic to something in particular.

Check out also this post: “why Traveling Is a Great Way to Overcome Depression!”

3. Do not pack a lot of stuff

Some of the things you should never do while traveling is packing too much stuff. I think I am never going to stop advising travelers not to pack a lot. Packing too much stuff isn’t just inconveniencing while using public transport but it can also turn out to be costly in paying extra fees for your luggage at the airport. So try not to pack a lot of things, just pack what you will need and not what you think you might need.

4. Do not expect to use your credit /debit card everywhere

You will be so much disappointed if you travel thinking that you’ll be using a credit card for all your transactions. Yes, in some places like Europe, this could be possible but if you’re traveling to places like Africa or even some parts of Europe, and Asia, having cash on you all the time will make your travels easier.

Check out also this post: “5 ways to travel the world without leaving home!”

5. Do not try to see everything

Traveling should be a fun thing to do as you enjoy the attraction sites in-depth not racing from one place to another just to tick them off your bucket list. You should try to enjoy and have a great experience not get burned out doing so many things at the same time. The best way to do this is to be realistic about the time and money you have and what is achievable with that.

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