June 12, 2020

20 Positive Affirmations to Say to Yourself Every Day

20 positive affirmations

20 Positive Affirmations to Say to Yourself Every Day

Positive affirmations aren’t just woo-woo nonsense. They really can change your brain and your life in powerful ways. Affirmations send a clear message to our brains that a certain topic is very important to us. When we say them, preferably on a daily basis, our brain gets busy looking for ways to help us achieve our goals. We can use positive affirmations to help us in all areas of our lives. Here are some common areas that most of us would like to improve and some affirmations to help us achieve our goals. So here are 20 Positive Affirmations to Say to Yourself Every Day!

Positive affirmations for success

Use these affirmations when you want to attract more success into your life.

– I am excited to create all the success I desire

– I am a positive and influential presence on this planet

– I joyfully let go of old beliefs that no longer serve me

– I am worthy of all the good life has to offer and I deserve to be successful.

Positive affirmations for abundance

Use these affirmations to attract abundance and prosperity into your life.

– All of my actions lead to abundance and prosperity

– I joyfully welcome all good things to come into my life

– I create prosperity easily and effortlessly

– I love abundance and prosperity and I attract it naturally.

Positive affirmations for happiness

These affirmations can help you to achieve the happiness you desire.

– I choose to be happy and I deserve to be happy

– I create peace and harmony and joy for myself today

– I am happy and peaceful in this moment

– I have everything I need to be happy right now.

Positive affirmations for relationships

These affirmations can help you find a soulmate or improve your current relationship.

– I am happy and confident within myself

– I am joyfully building a happy relationship

– I deeply believe that I will attract my soul mate

– Others are drawn to me because of my positive energy

Positive affirmations for self-esteem

If you feel less than happy with yourself, use these affirmations to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

– I let go of all negative thoughts and feelings about myself

– I am proud of who I have become

– I love and accept myself unconditionally

– I am a unique and special person who is worthy of respect from others

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