January 15, 2020

5 Reasons why Korean Skincare Products are the best

Korean products are the latest craze when it comes to skincare and makeup. The choices of brands and products coming out of Korea are staggering, and if I’m to be honest, very confusing. And those products have taken over skincare routines the world over. But why? What is it about these products that made them so loved by millions of people around the world? There are so many reasons why these skincare products have captured our attention. I am going to tell you all the benefits of using these innovative products and why you might want to add a few of them your beauty arsenal. Here are 5 reasons why Korean Skincare Products are the best.

5 Reasons why Korean Skincare Products are the best

1. Super cheap!!!

When it comes to Korean Skincare, most of the items are sold at cheap prices. When skincare is affordable, people are more willing to use generous amounts of them without feeling guilty. So you can stock up on Sheet mask, Lip Masks, toner and face creams without spending thousands of dollars. And don’t assume that these cheap items are cheaply made and low-quality products. That’s not the case at all in the Korean skincare market. Read the other reasons below to find out why!

2. Natural Innovative Ingredients

Korean skincare is also pretty innovative, with their use of horse oil, snail mucus, bee venom, nightingale poop… When I was paying attention, it was snail mucus. The snail mucus has been used in cream and masks after the Korean discovered the benefits. It’s said this mucus helps to fade acne scar and hyper pigmentation while moisturizing and firming the skin. While I’m not the first person to buy into these rather gimmicky ingredients, I can’t deny that they’re trying things that many other skincare brands would not. And I think that’s what makes the Korean products so much more appealing to people all over the world.

3. There’s something for everyone

When you stop for beauty products, you are probably used to the lack of variety. There is usually a formula available for those with dry skin and another for those with oily skin. But aside from that, there isn’t much available in terms of different ingredients that will perfectly suit your needs.

This is why Korean skincare products so much better than the rest. There’s literally something for everyone! They actually offer a variety of choices and it all starts with their cleansers. There are two types of cleansers available: Oil Based and Water Based. The Oil- Based ones are available in different textures, including creams, gel, and wipes. But that’s not all; these products also come in various scents, from strawberry to cherry and warm vanilla. And again, you don’t have to spend a ton of money to get your hands-on items that are perfectly made for you.

4. High High-quality

Many brands promise to get rid of wrinkles, restore damaged skin, and rewind the hands of time. There are a lot of Korean beauty products that claim to do the same, too. They are able to fight skin issues just as well if not better than other products on the market. Meaning all what these Korean products claim to do is not a joke! They really work and do what they’re supposed to do. For example, if you buy an acne cream that said that it reduces acne, get ready o see your acne disappear in the following days!

5. Cute and fun to use

Korean Skincare products are best because they are so much fun to use.  If you search through social media, you are bound to find a bunch of beauty lovers using these playful and wacky products. Korean products are designed to make you look forward to using them day after day. Cool packaging, high -quality materials, and great prices are just a few of the benefits of these products. Korean companies create products that are so appealing in so many different ways. Just take this clay mask; for example, when it comes in contact with the air, the mask forms tiny little bubbles all over your face.

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