December 20, 2019

5 self-love habits that changed my life

Self-love is definitely the most important relationship in your life. And I was thinking about it the other day and I found out that it’s crazy how people you know your friends your family members or even people you work with keep asking like how’s your love-life? How’s your relationship with your partner? Are you single? When you’re gonna be in a relationship? But we actually don’t care much about our relationships with ourselves and we don’t ask ourselves and each other “how’s our relationship with ourselves is going?” I mean I get it it’s totally weird to be asking ourselves this question but that just because we’re simply not used to it. In fact if you keep thinking about it, it’s really important to ask ourselves this question since our relationship with ourselves is like the base and the foundation of all the relationships that we’re going to have with other people, right? So yeah, since I started loving who I am, I started developing some healthy self-love habits that really changed my life and helped me become the best version of myself. And I thought It would be a good idea to share those habits with you guys if you are as well looking to change your life and become the best version of yourself. So yeah here are 5 self-love habits that changed my life

5 self-love habits that changed my life

1.Positive affirmations

I don’t know about you, but I believe in the power of positive affirmations. I tried them two years ago and I haven’t stopped it since then because they have worked for me. You can write them by yourself on a piece of paper or google them, it’s really up to you. And then all you have to do, is say them out loud every morning in front of your mirror or not, as you like. Say some positive, loving reminders like “I am beautiful”, “Everything about my body is lovable”, “I love myself”. Even if you don’t believe it, but, by waking up and saying every day in front of your mirror, you will end up believing it.  Trust me, by doing this every day you will definitely change the relationship you have with yourself in the most positive way.

2. Do what you love to do

I think you agree with me that it is really important to know what you love to do and what makes you happy and start actually doing not just thinking about it. Start by defining what makes you happy. Take a piece of paper and ask yourself “What are the things that make you happy?” What are the things that will make you happy if you do them? And then write them down. Once you do this, start doing actually those things. Like if you like dancing, try to join a dance club. If you like traveling, try to save some money to go to your dream destination at the end of the year. If this is what you love to do, if this is what makes you happy, do it!

3. Take care of yourself

I think it’s important for you to understand that you need to stop waiting for other people to take care of you, and start taking of your own self because you can handle it yourself. Stop waiting on others to compliment you, Compliment yourself. Stop waiting on others to support yourself, support yourself. Just treat yourself like you would treat others. Just be there for yourself like you’d be there for your friends or your family members. Treat yourself to activities that make you feel sexy and confident. Apply makeup. Do your hair. Do your nails. Just do anything that will make you feel good and make you feel like you’re taking care of yourself. Buy yourself some gifts, take yourself out on dates, go to a spa. By doing whatever makes you feel good about yourself and the negativity and self-hate will begin to diminish.

4. Create boundaries

Having personal boundaries is really important to have a healthy relationship with yourself and eventually having healthy relationships with others. To me; setting healthy personal boundaries means that you know and understand what your limits are; You know what you can tolerate, what you can’t tolerate. You know what you can accept, what you can’t accept. You know what makes you feel uncomfortable, you know what makes you feel stressed. How you will know your boundaries? There is an exercice that I did a year ago where I took a piece of paper, so basically all you got to do is take a piece of paper and try to think about all the situations and things that made you feel uncomfortable, things that make you feel angry, things that you can’t accept. And try to let your feelings guide you especially the feeling of anger and discomfort, those two feelings gonna help you identify your boundaries. Let me give you an example of boundaries, like for example, don’t accept someone insulting you, don’t accept someone who underestimate you. Basically your boundaries gotta show to people like hey this a red line don’t ever cross it. See? So by creating boundaries, you’re actually showing respect to yourself first of all because you listen to your feelings, you respect your feelings and then you’re showing other people that they got to respect you, too. You are showing them how they gotta treat you, how you want them to treat you.

5. Be your own love partner

You know that quote that says: “Love yourself like you want your soulmate to love you”. I love this quote because it actually shows you that in order to be loved by someone, you need to love yourself first. I know this sound cheesy and a lot of people keep telling you love yourself first love yourself first. But heyyy it’s 100% true okay because it’s really important to love yourself. Because you are the most important person in your life and you cannot take that for granted. Once you’ll start loving yourself, you’ll start enjoying spending time alone. You’ll have the confidence to go after what you really want. You’ll stop begging people for love and attention. And here’s a thing, you guys; A lot of people think that finding the right partner or the right best-friend will somehow make them “whole”, and solve all of their problems. But I just want you to know that another person can NEVER do all of these things for you. You have to do them for yourself. Give yourself what you need, instead of waiting for others to do so. Please I want you to comprehend that you are a COMPLETE person, you don’t need anyone to complete you. You are a WHOLE. Stop expecting love, attention, happiness from other people. You can give all of those things to yourself by yourself. Because you deserve those things and because there is no better person in the whole entire world who can give you those things but YOU!!! So yeah Just love yourself like how you want your soulmate to love you. It’s really simple, it’s not complicated and it doesn’t have to be. I know it definitely won’t happen overnight. You should give it some time because self-love is really a long journey I know that because I’ve been through the same thing and trust me it is really worth it in the end!

That was it! The 5 self-love habits that changed my life !

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