November 27, 2019

5 things to know before visiting New York

Every time I talk about New York City, I just remember every single memory that I had the chance to live there and of course the Frank Sinatra’s iconic song, “New York, New York”. New York is probably the most visited city in the United States. Famous for fashion (NYFW), Times Square, Street art, Brooklyn Bridge, New York is literally “the city that never sleeps”. New York is definitely the heart of the world; every culture is represented here, and there’s always something to do. I have been to New York twice and each time I go, I feel like I’m discovering this city for the first time! You can spend a lifetime exploring and never really see it all. There is so much to see and to do in New York City, however, you need to know 5 things before you get there. So yeah here are 5 things to know before visiting New York!

5 things to know before visiting New York

1.Avoid anyone dressed in costumes in Times Square

This is especially true in Times Square. When you visit the area you’ll notice a lot of people dressed as Super Heroes, Mickey, and other iconic characters dressed in bootleg costumes. If you take a photo with them, they will demand a payment even though they did not tell you in advance that the photo would cost money. I’ve seen them ask for around $5 a photo, which is outrageous, especially since the costume is often dirty and poorly made. Watch out for them jumping into your photo as well. They will also ask payment for this even though you did not ask them to take a photo with you. It is terrible, I know!!

2.Go to local restaurants not chain restaurants

Looking for a great place to eat? New Yorkers use Google Maps, and Yelp the most to find restaurant, cafe, and bar suggestions. Download those apps and you’ll find some tasty food. The great thing about both of these apps is that they let you choose the price range you are looking for. If you don’t want to spend more than $15 per person, select the single $ option. The $$ option is for places over $20 per person and the $$$ option is for places over $50 per person.

3.Use the subway – it’s cheap!

I think subway is the best thing about New York City! I know you’ve seen people taking taxies especially in the movies. But hey, those are movies; the reality is that taxi’s aren’t always the best option because they are very expensive and traffic in NYC is HORRIBLE. For example, a 20 minute taxi ride costs about $40. It’s just not worth it, especially since the subway can often get you there in almost the same amount of time for under $3.

4. Keep on walking

There is one surefire way to piss off a New Yorker and that is stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to take a picture. The city moves like a well-orchestrated dance, everybody is busy there; so when tourists stop dead in their tracks to snap a photo of the Empire State Building, it can frustrate many. If a photo opportunity arises, step to the side of the crowds and then snap your photo.

5. Tip between 15% to 20%

Tipping is always a tricky question when visiting any new city. In New York, tipping is a must for cabbies, restaurants, bellhops and any other service. As a general rule of thumb, tip between 15% to 20% of your bill for restaurants. For taxis, most yellow cabs have an automated payment system where you can select a tip percentage to add to the fare.

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