October 9, 2019

How to fall in love with yourself

It is so important to love yourself. You are the most important person in your life and you cannot take that for granted. You should love yourself without limits. Because when you do, you’ll gain a deep appreciation of your own worth and capabilities. You’ll start enjoying spending time alone. You’ll have the confidence to go after what you really want. You’ll stop begging people for love and attention. And you’ll never be a victim of narcissists, manipulators, cheaters and sociopaths. Sounds great, doesn’t it? So, how to fall in love with yourself? I’ll tell you. Below you’ll find 5 ways to fall in love with yourself.

This is how to fall in love with yourself

1.Understand that you are a “Whole”

A lot of people think that finding the right partner or the right best-friend will somehow make them “whole”, fill an inner void, and solve all of their problems. However, another person can NEVER do all of these things for you. You have to do them for yourself. Give yourself what you need, instead of waiting for others to do so. Please I want you to comprehend that you are a COMPLETE person, you don’t need anyone to complete you. You are a WHOLE. Stop expecting love, attention, happiness from other people. You can give all of those things to yourself by yourself. Because you deserve those things and because there is no better person in the whole entire world who can give you those things but YOU!!!

Also read my other post on “How to love your body?

2.Treat Yo’ Self good

Buy yourself some gifts, take yourself out on dates, go to a spa, to a nail salon,… Just do anything that will make you feel good and make you feel like you’re taking care of yourself. Again, you’re Not waiting for people to take care of you, you’re handling it yourself.

3.If There’s Something You Don’t Like About Yourself, Change It

If you’re over-weighted and you don’t love your body, change it. Workout, follow a diet… If you’re always thinking in a negative way, change it. Start saying positive affirmations every day to help you think in a positive way. There is simply no time to think about what you don’t like about yourself, so shrug off those negative comments, and do something you that makes you happy.

4.Embrace both your strengths and your weaknesses.

We all have strengths and weaknesses. We suppose strength is the absence of weakness, and vice versa, right? So we try to build up our strengths and reduce our weaknesses. But often we go in circles, never quite succeeding at either. You know why? Because strength and weakness are one. We can’t separate them. They’re just two aspects of the same things in us. When we try to divide them; that is when we fail at both. For example, you are creative but messy, so you try to be less messy. But now you are not even creative. So why don’t you embrace them both; be proud of your creativity and laugh at your messiness.

5.Ask Yourself What You Need

If you want to build a better relationship with yourself—and fall in love with yourself—start listening to yourself.

Ask yourself the following:

How would you feel about someone who’s attuned to your needs, and then does their best to fill those needs? I don’t know about you, but I’d have an easy time falling in love with that person. Find out what you need, and then give it to yourself. Fall in love with yourself by fulfilling your needs.

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