June 1, 2020

6 Morning Routine Habits For A Productive Day

6 morning routine habits for a productive day

6 Morning Routine Habits For A Productive Day

Mornings mark the start of a new day, a new beginning, a new mindset. We all have our own interests and capabilities. Not everyone would like to go jogging in the morning (e.g. me), or actually go outside until it’s time to go to work. So, here are 6 morning routine habits for a productive day!

1. When you wake up, get up

There are two types of people. Those who hit dismiss when the alarm rings and actually get up and those who hit the snooze button until it’s too late to keep hitting it.

Now, if you’re in the latter category, you know where I’m going with this… First, stop hitting the snooze button. Second, don’t lie in bed staring at the ceiling when you wake up. Third, get out of bed! As soon as you get up, that’s when your day actually starts.

2. Meditate

Okay, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to sit on the floor, cross your legs and go “Hummmmmmmmm” (you know…LOL)

Basically, meditating is a way to relax both your mind and body, focus on positive aspects of your life and generally… breathe. Simply doing a few breathing exercises, and fixing your mind on a particular goal or thought can have a huge impact on how you go through your day. This can be anything from 5 minutes to 1 hour. Whatever floats your boat. I suggest you start with 5 minutes, it would be enough!

Check out also this post: “Tips on how to create your morning routine and how you can stick to it!”

3. Exercise

Going for a walk, jogging, yoga, dancing, hitting the gym, you name it. Whatever you can do to get your body moving as part of your daily morning routine, do it. The importance of exercise cannot be overemphasized. If you work all day, sitting at a desk or generally not doing much physical activity, it’s important to add some time for exercise into your daily routine so you don’t end up gaining weight you’d rather not have.

Besides maintaining your weight, exercise keeps you fit and less lazy. It also keeps you driven as one thing you can learn from daily exercise is consistency. Once you stop exercising, you will notice a difference in your body, which goes to show that you need to keep up with it for optimum results.

4. Plan your day

There is a saying that goes “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

Each morning is an opportunity to make a new plan for a new day. It doesn’t have to be so detailed right down to who you will talk to or which handbag you’re carrying today. But, it helps to have a mental plan of what you want to accomplish for that day, what tasks are in your to-do list and how best you can accomplish them.

5. Grab a healthy breakfast

It is not an exaggeration that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Unless you’re undergoing intermittent fasting (skipping one meal of the day), there’s really no reason to skip breakfast.

This doesn’t mean you should eat anything heavy, but grabbing a light and healthy breakfast will invariably help you be more productive and reduce the chances of getting a headache when you start working or studying. So, I repeat, eat! It will do you more good than harm (wow, I think that’s the first time this phrase has been used this way). Anyway, just ensure it’s a healthy breakfast. If you really don’t like eating in the morning, then perhaps something very light like a fruit bar will do.

6. Drink a glass of water

The benefits of drinking water as part of your morning routine are numerous. It helps with a quick metabolism, keeps you hydrated early enough, clears up your head, and may even cure a hangover (maybe an exaggeration but water is a great start).

It’s easy to forget to keep hydrated though, so consider getting a nice and portable water bottle that you can keep with you to remind you to drink some water.

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