December 5, 2019

5 things not to do when you have a pimple

Although acne and pimples are completely frustrating, there are things you can do to get it under control. There are also a few things you shouldn’t do if you want to see improvement, and just feel better about your skin in general. But first you’ll need to deal with acne and your lifestyle.  Your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong.  And before you find out what that something is, you might want to check out these top 5 things not to do when you have a pimple.

Here are 5 things not to do when you have a pimple

1.Stop Picking at Your Skin

While gently squeezing a pimple every once in a while probably won’t do much harm, constant picking and forceful squeezing definitely will. I personally can’t stop picking my skin but then I found out that by doing this, I only made my skin look even worse. It can prolong healing time and can cause scarring.

As hard as it may be, fight the urge and don’t pop or pick at your pimples. I know it’s hard but try to force yourself to stop it. This is the first thing from the 5 things not to do when you have a pimple.

2. Stop Scrubbing and Over-Cleansing

Is your skincare routine full of harsh scrubs, abrasive exfoliating pads, and lots and lots of cleansing? Constant cleaning and scrubbing can do more harm than good. A good indicator that you’re scrubbing too hard: your skin looks really red or burns and stings afterward.

Some exfoliation is needed if you want clearer skin. Regular exfoliation helps keep your pores clear of gunk and makes your skin softer, too. Check out the top 10 cleansers for acne skin here.

Over-cleansing is another common problem. A clean face is important, but don’t wash so much that your skin becomes over-dry. Cleansing two to three times per day is usually plenty. Much more and you’re probably overdoing it. Scrubbing and frequent cleansing won’t clear up acne. All you’ll get for your troubles is irritated skin.

3. Don’t believe every DIY hack you see.

I’m seriously done with millions of those DIY Youtube videos where they show you “How to get rid of pimples in 3 days” or “Perfect DIY mask to cure your acne”!!! While it’s tempting to mix up a cure-all witch’s brew of whatever drying agents you have in the house, Dr. Tanzi says she sees a lot of irritation from DIY skin care products. Even toothpaste isn’t the remedy it was when we were teens. According to Dr. Zeichner, triclosan (the ingredient in toothpaste that has antimicrobial properties) is rarely used these days.

4. Don’t wear makeup with pore-clogging ingredients.

For all the salicylic acid out there, there are certain ingredients to steer clear of. “People who suffer from acne should avoid makeup that contains mineral oil or lanolin,” Dr. Nazarian says. “These ingredients are comedogenic, meaning they have a high likelihood of clogging pores and triggering acne.” Check the labels to make sure your complexion products don’t contain either. Or if you don’t want to be bothered by this whole process of reading ingredients, just don’t wear makeup at all – simple as that!

5. Don’t squeeze the pimple

I know it’s hard to resist it! But, hey, all dermatologists say that it’s never a good idea to squeeze a pimple. What is OK? Drawing out a big pimple once the whitehead is poking through your skin. It is actually recommended using a washcloth with hot—“but not scalding”—water to excavate the pus before applying your spot treatment.

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