September 11, 2020

5 things I wish I knew in my 20s

5 things I wish I knew in my 20s

5 things I wish I knew before my 20’s

Early 20s. Mid 20s. Late 20s. It’s crazy how much a person can change in a span of 10 years and not even by force. It happens so fast. It feels like yesterday I was 19 and thinking about what my life is going to be like once I’m 20. And now that I’m 20, I still can’t realize that I’m growing so fast and that a lot of things about me and about my life have changed in the past few years. Like, I’m not the same person I used to be anymore, thanks to my own experiences. You may agree or disagree with any of the points below, but these are the top 5 things I wish I knew in my 20s.

1.You’re not losing friends. You’re finding out who the real ones are.

Now that I am 20 years old, I started to notice I was losing touch with a significant amount of people. To me, it seemed like I didn’t have as many friends as I did before and that upset me. However, I soon realized I was actually growing closer to a smaller amount of people which was in fact better than having “50 close friends.”

2.Start Working on Dreams instead of just dreaming of it

I wish that I had not done Daydreaming a lot. I wish that I had started to work on my dream plan from that time when it was just a dream.

3.Everything is going to be ok.

I spent most of my days worrying about the future. Where my career would go and when I’d get married and have kids. I wish I had worried less, embraced where I was, and that I knew everything was going to be better than okay.

4.Sometimes it’s good to be in a toxic relationship or friendship

We have all experienced some form of hurt and betrayal from someone we loved—a person we thought would never leave us broken. Being in a toxic relationship can tear you down and make you feel like you aren’t good enough. You may constantly blame yourself for everything and believe it’s your fault.

Eventually, there comes a time when you reach your breaking point and gather the courage to walk away which is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make even though it may not seem that way at the moment. I’m not an expert and can’t give professional relationship advice, however, I can speak from personal experience and encourage you if you’re currently going through this challenge.

I wanted to talk about lessons I’ve learned from being in a toxic relationship that went on for YEARS. Thinking back on everything I went through makes me happy that I decided to do what was best for me and walk away for good. It’s not easy and people on the outside looking in can always tell you that you deserve better and you should leave. However, none of that matters if you don’t even believe that yourself!

After countless therapy sessions, time, journaling, and tears, I was able to pull myself out of the dark place I was in and realize key lessons I’ve learned and how I can use those in my life moving forward. The lessons you take from toxic situations will be a tool for your own growth.

5. Don’t care about what others have to say or think about me

I spent my teen years and early twenties worrying about what other people thought and said about me. I was so afraid of people judging me and criticizing me. But later in life I realized that it could only affect me if I allowed it to. What other people say or think of us is a reflection of them—their values, expectations, insecurities, and standards—and has nothing or very little to do with us. People who are wise and know who we truly are will not judge us, as they see and know our essence. And those who don’t, we can’t control their thoughts and actions.

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