April 24, 2020

5 Simple Ways to Spot a Cheater

5 simple ways to spot a cheater

There have been cheaters as long have there have been relationships. If you knew a potential partner was going to cheat on you, would you date them? Probably not. But we can’t predict who will be faithful and who won’t be ahead of time. Or can we? It would be helpful if you could predict just how easily a potential partner may be tempted by low-hanging fruit. In the interest of self-preservation, consider these 5 simple ways to spot a cheater before it’s too late.

Here are 5 Simple Ways to Spot a Cheater

1.He or She is Almost Too Charming and Flirty

Was he/she just so smart, fun, likable, exciting, that you couldn’t resist? Dr. Paul DePompo, psychologist and director of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Institute of Southern California, says “Mr. or Ms. Charming” will lack real empathy when you’re let down, like they cancel a date last minute for no serious reason, but it’s also hard for you to stay angry. “They’re focused on their own gratification, spends money lavishly to impress, and is likely to blame others when problems occur.”

2. He/She is Protective of his/her Phone

The few times you’ve been out, does it seem like your date spends a lot of time on their phone or is privately texting or talking when you aren’t around or your back is turned? It’s always a red flag if they’re giving their mobile device more attention than you in the beginning. And, if it feels like they’re being secretive about who he/she is contacting, take caution.

3. Offer him/her the Opportunity to Get Involved in Your Circle

One of the things that a cheater likes to do is hide in the dark. Not only do they want to keep you away from their friends or inner circle, but they don’t want to take chances that they will be spotted by someone in yours. Asking them to meet your friends, family, associates or anyone else that you trust to give you an honest opinion may pull a cheater out of their comfort zone. It’s normal for someone interested in a woman to want to see her environment, so if he doesn’t, then that should be enough of a sign to not take the chance. If he does, the wisdom you receive from your circle may help to ease your mind if you are misjudging someone at all.

4. He/she Checks Out Other People in Front of You

Their focus should be 100% on you especially in the beginning and if you notice they have a wandering eye or even notice them flirting with other girls or guys, it could be a sign that they’re going to cheat in the future. Even if they’re interested in you, when it comes to cheating, much of it is situational, Armatage says. “Spending time in settings with many attractive people can make cheating more likely.”

5. Request his or her Availability

Cheaters aren’t readily available because obviously they’re dividing their time up behind the scenes. Asking a cheater for their availability and expecting that they will make themselves available for you is a surefire way to figure out if you’re being played. If someone never has time for you; asks to see you at weird hours or can’t make themselves available per your requests, then obviously something’s up.

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