November 22, 2019

5 self-help books that will change your life forever

For the past few years, I’ve formed a habit of reading a lot of self-help books. It’s one of the habits that has truly changed my life. Reading is my favorite way to develop my mind because it’s the most effective way to learn something. But not every book changes the way you think. So before writing this post, I started thinking about the books that had such an impact on me and on the way I look at the world. If you’re looking to turn over a new leaf and change your life for the better, these are the top 5 books that I found they had an impact on me and hopefully if you read them, they will have an impact on you too. So here 5 self-help books that will change your life forever, that will bring you closer to meeting your goals and bringing your world a little closer to the one you dreamed of making. Ready to discover your next, most inspirational read yet? Read on!

Read them, but more importantly, do what they tell you.  It is your acting not just your reading that will get you the best results. 

Here are 5 self-help books that will change your life forever

1.You do you, Sarah Knight: How to Be Who You Are and Use What You’ve Got to Get What You Want

Sarah Knight is author of best sellers The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving A Fuck and Get Your Shit Together (I bet you’ve read these two books because if you didn’t, well you should probably read them too). In this book, Knight offers advice that will allow you to not only live an authentic life, but battle through the inevitable embarrassments, awkward conversations, and confused relatives that are sure to follow. It’s honestly refreshing to find a self-help book that doesn’t ask you to change, instead actively encouraging you to embrace yourself, do what makes you happy, and stop worrying about what people think about you. This book will help you learn how to stand up for who you are and what you really want and need. It will show you that it’s okay to be selfish, and how to be selfish without being an asshole or a mean person, like how to be selfish in a good way, meaning how to put yourself and your happiness first – and stop letting other people tell you what to do, how to do it, or why it can’t be done. And don’t panic! Because you can do it without losing friends and the people that you love.

2. Who says you can’t? You do , Daniel Chidiac

I don’t know if you know this author you guys, but Daniel Chidiac’s books, especially this book has touched millions of people worldwide and helps to transform thousands of lives daily. This book is a very powerful seven-step guide where each step is like a chapter that covers a certain area part in everyone’s life (for example chapter one talks about love relationships, chapter two about friendship, chapter three career etc…). So this book is really helpful because with some practical exercises and interactive tools that are written in this book, you will challenge yourself to ask hard questions and make life-changing decisions so that you can discover your true self, commit to your own life, and try to push beyond your known limits. It will make you look at things from many angles before you make a decision to act, as every act has benefit and/or consequence in your life. If you’re feeling unmotivated, or you’re just not happy with your life in this moment, I’d strongly recommend this book to you!

3. You can heal your life, Louise Hay

The author of this book, Louise L. Hay, I don’t if you know her guys but she is an internationally known leader in the self-help field. She has written so many books about personal development that are really helpful. I found out about this book while watching a documentary about Jennifer Lopez where at a certain point she was talking about how she was going through a bad moment in her life and a friend of her recommended this book to her. So me I’m watching this documentary and I saw JLO talking about how this book changed her life, and after reading the title, I was like yeah, this book is so interesting I need to read it. And let me explain to you how this book is really life-changing; so basically Louise the author of this book explains how limiting and negative beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and all the problems we face in our lives. In other words, what we think about ourselves and our lives becomes the truth for us. If I think of myself as a loser, I would see myself as a loser and I would start to act like a loser because I believe it. If I think of myself as a winner, I would believe it and I would start acting like a winner. That’s such an example but you can apply this process on anything because your thoughts and your beliefs become and are your reality. So what Louise is showing in this book is if you want to change your reality, you got to change your thoughts and your beliefs first. If you want to improve the quality of your life, learn how to change your thinking. And you can learn that by reading this book, it’s really good!

4. The things you only see when you slow down, Haemin Sunim

This book…I meannn, the moment you read the title, you get excited to read this book. The author of this book, who is a meditation teacher, shows how we are so busy in a world that moves so fast that we don’t even have time to sit and appreciate our blessings, ourselves and our lives. What I loved about this book is that it’s not trying to forcefully tell you what to do, no; it’s just trying to help you calm your mind and find your inner peace.

5. You are a badass, Jen Sincero

I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but at first when I read the title “You are a badass” I was like what this book is about? But then I read what’s underneath the title “How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life” I was like this book is so interesting I must read it. YOU ARE A BADASS is a how-to-guide full of wise advices and easy exercises that will help you identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that are stopping you from getting what you want. It will show you how to face your fears so you can take big exciting risks, how to start loving yourself and others, and how to create a life you totally love, and how to create it now.

If you read this book, you’ll understand why you are where you are, how to change what you don’t love and how to love and accept what you can’t change.

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